Thank you for your interest in applying to Cranleigh. This is our Admissions Portal where you can make an Enquiry or Apply for a place.
To continue, you will need to create an account; this can be done by clicking on the Set up a New Account Button below.
- Please have your child's Passport and Birth Certificate ready, as you will be asked to upload these - these need to be in JPEG form.
- There is a place to upload the latest School Report, but this is OPTIONAL.
- Registrations should only be completed by a parent or a parent's representative.
- If you are not able to complete the registration in one sitting, don't worry, the information you have entered will not be lost and will be available to return to when you log in later.
- You can register in all years at the Prep School (Years 1 - 8). Early registration is recommended, especially in Years 4 or 5 for Year 7 (11+) applications.
- Entry years for our Senior School are 13+, 14+ and 16+. Early registration is recommended, ideally in Year 4 or 5 for 13+ applications.
- We will occasionally have options in other year groups, please contact Admisions@cranleigh.org regarding this.
Before proceeding, should you wish to read our school policies then please click here. In particular, we would like to draw your attention to our Admissions Policy and the Parent and Pupil Data Protection Privacy Notices.
If you already have an account, please click on the Sign In Button below.